
Wavecrest is a team of voice fanatics passionate about the unique power of voice technology to connect customers and companies. With over 20 years of industry experience, we have deep expertise and strong opinions. Explore, read, and let us know what you think.

Comms Business: Reweaving the fabric of voice
Blog post

Comms Business: Reweaving the fabric of voice

The underlying fabric of the global voice market is being exploited by fraudsters. Andrew Bale, CEO, Wavecrest, talks to Comms Business about how his company is primed to tackle the issue.

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The LATAM telco landscape: a Q&A guide
Blog post

The LATAM telco landscape: a Q&A guide

The Latin American region (LATAM) is one of the most interesting parts of the world in the telecoms sector right now. At Wavecrest, we’re taking a different approach and proactively building out our presence in LATAM – as part of our unrivalled global coverage offering.

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Blending talent and skills
Blog post

Blending talent and skills

Our goal at Wavecrest is to build a brand-new relationship between cloud communications providers and telecoms operators – the two key parts of the voice ecosystem today.

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Why fixing KYC is key
Blog post

Why fixing KYC is key

When it comes to telecoms, trust is paramount. Part of the unique power of voice is that it can help establish empathy and build trust regardless of distance. But this also means that voice can be a potent tool for those looking to scam or defraud others.

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The ticking “voice bomb” for global cloud providers
Blog post

The ticking “voice bomb” for global cloud providers

According to Allied Market Research, the global cloud services market was valued at $551.8bn in 2021, with estimates that it will quintuple in size to $2.5 trillion by 2031.

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Confronting our collective failure head-on
Blog post

Confronting our collective failure head-on

Fraud is the big challenge for today’s voice industry. I wrote about that in my last post. But today I want to be more specific about what this fraud consists of, and why we need to hold up our hands and admit our collective failings as an industry. We need to distinguish between two different types of voice fraud.

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Voice You Can Trust

Voice You Can Trust

Speaking to telecoms operators and cloud communications providers, there’s one issue we hear about more than any other in the sector: fraud. Fraud has become such a problem for the voice industry globally that we fear it threatens our collective future.

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Managing voice in an AI world
Blog post

Managing voice in an AI world

As telecoms enters an era dominated by AI, the voice landscape is undergoing a seismic shift. That brings with it risks as well as opportunities, and we think it demands a more strategic approach to managing voice services.

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